The Measure Of All Things: The Last Record

Draw me a blueprint

Posted in Uncategorized by tcrk on February 2, 2009

1. Listen or download the instruction track Up,Down,Left,Right : Mirror 1 | Mirror 2 (right click > Save the target as)

2. Listen or download the Tones for the Lost Blueprint : Mirror 1 | Mirror 2 (right click > Save the target as)

Any problem to download the link ? Please contact me and I would directly send you the file.

3. Please send me your sketches by email or by post :

post:    Ceel Mogami de Haas
9 rues des Etuves
1201 Genève.

The Blue Prints of WKX (an apartment Block in Hoyerswerda, in Saxony, Germany) have been lost after 1989.
We decided to measure each room  in each apartment of the 5 storage building where our sound laboratory was settled.
These measurements were then encoded in the compositions that you may listen to in the CD The Measure Of All Things: The Last Record.
Starting in the middle of a piece of paper (A4), it is theoretically possible to draw the blueprint of building block Otto-dixstrasse number 12 of WK10 in Hoyerswerda. Decide for a certain speed with which you move your pen over the paper; not too fast, to prevent the blueprint of falling of the paper. Then follow the tones of the track in the right direction, dictated by the 4 different frequencies of the tone (see track “Up, Down, Left, Right”). The length of a tone is dictated by the length of a wall in the blueprint.
4 tones compose the track. These 4 tones are in fact 4 directions that will allow you to draw the blueprint.

2 easy steps will allow you to draw the blueprint:
Before listening to the track, you will have to listen to the instruction track entitled updownleftright.
As the title may tell, updownleftright indicates the 4 directions your drawing pen would have to take according to each of the 4 tones.
After you differentiate and recognise the 4 tones, you could start the Tones For The Lost Blueprint track. Before pressing play, please take an A4 white sheet of paper and place your pen in the middle of the page. As the first tone will start, you will start drawing in the right direction, and as it ends your pen will stop. The second tone will indicate another direction, your pen will then follow the new direction and the length of the tone. You will keep on drawing until the end of the tone track, the blue print will be achieved as well.

Probably your drawing will resemble more a scribble than an actual architect blueprint, that’s fine. Please send us your sketch by email or post it on the blog.

You could if you wanted to, recreate the blueprint perfectly, you should then arm yourself with a chronometer and multiply the total seconds of each tones by  the walking speed of an average man (125 centimetres per seconds) to get the total length of the walls in centimetres, since the length of a tone is decided by the walking speed of the average man; i.e. the length of a tone lasts as long as it takes a person to walk the corresponding distance.

But we believe the scrolls would be a perfect material for a later exhibition or for the possible realisation of a new building scale model.

Thank you for your effort.

The Measure Of All Things team.

Ceel Mogami de Haas
Taf Hassam
Rozan Vroman
Karl Kong.

(special thanks to Jules de Haas for helping setting up the blog)